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Welcome to OnClick Utilities



Introducing OnClick Utilities


Welcome to OnClick Utilities, a suite of powerful free software programs from 2BrightSparks that will transform your daily computing experience.



FindOnClick will show you where files are faster than any other non-indexed search solution. With great filtering you will locate that lost file in no time. Scripting support allows for the most flexible search solution available. Find duplicates, empty files, MP3 files, image files, and more...



EncryptOnClick is a simple way to encrypt your data. Ensure the files you want to keep safe and out of view from others stay that way. Note that you are entirely responsible for remembering the passwords you use when encrypting your files with EncryptOnClick.



DeleteOnClick allows you to securely delete files so no program can recover it. For this reason you must use this program carefully as once a file is 'Securely Deleted' no one can undelete it. DeleteOnClick also allows you to easily wipe free disk space.



UndeleteOnClick recovers files which have been mistakenly trashed. For any file types including NTFS compressed and NTFS encrypted files. Note that UndeleteOnClick will not be able to recover files that have been securely deleted using DeleteOnClick.



HashOnClick verifies files are identical. Particularly useful when downloading or sharing data.



ScrambleOnClick allows you to quickly encrypt/decrypt a selectable section of text within any document that you wish to keep private, and is an extremely useful program for anyone who needs to send sensitive information or private text segments within a document.


PatchOnClick lets you send and receive updates to large files without having to send or receive the whole file each time.




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