
SyncBackPro Scripts

Extending SyncBackPro

A script is a set of instructions and is similar to the macro support in Microsoft Office and Java Script in web pages.

  • SyncBackPro V8 and newer support scripts written using Basic and Pascal. These use a built-in scripting engine and not the Windows Scripting Host (WSH). The advantage is that these scripts can be used with both 32-bit and 64-bit SyncBackPro (V8 or newer). It is strongly recommended that scripts are written using the new Basic or Pascal scripting language. The help file contains detailed information. All of the scripts below require SyncBackPro V8 or newer.

  • 32-bit versions of SyncBackPro can also use scripts written in any scripting language supported by Windows Scripting Host (a part of Windows), but typically they are written in VBScript. This functionality is provided for legacy reasons. It is not recommended as it is not supported in 64-bit versions of SyncBackPro and the functionality will probably be removed by Microsoft in a future version of Windows. Also, it is possible that 32-bit versions of SyncBackPro will not be supported in future (there is no 32-bit version of Windows 11, for example).

  • All versions of SyncBack can also use scripts in Run Before and Run After of a profiles configuration. For example, see the InsertIntoSQLDB script below. These are not to be confused with the scripting support in SyncBackPro.

If you have a script you would like to submit, complete the form below.

SyncBackPro Script AbortIfNoSpace

Aborts the profile before copying starts if there is not enough free space.

This script checks to make sure there is enough free space on the source and destination to copy the files. If there is insufficient free space then the profile aborts. Note that some locations, e.g. FTP, cannot report free space and so this script will not work for such profiles.

SyncBackPro Script Duration [in Main Window]

Duration of the most-recent profile run.

Script Author: 2BrightSparks, with modifications to the V8 version by Michael Grabowski

Adds an extra column in the main window that shows the duration of the most-recent profile run.

You need to install this script and enable it on the Main Interface tab. You also need to enable it for each profile that you want the column to be used with (modify the profile and go to the Scripts tab).

SyncBackPro Script EmailOnAbortOnly

Only sends an email if a profile is aborted.

Instruct SyncBackPro to only send an email if a profile run is aborted (if the run is simulated then it does not send the email).

SyncBackPro Script IgnoreFlag

Instruct SyncBackPro to completely ignore a folder, and it's contents, if it contains a special file.

Script Author: Tavis Ormandy

Instruct SyncBackPro to completely ignore a folder, and it's contents, if it contains a file named .nobackup

SyncBackPro Script IgnoreTimeStamp

Instruct SyncBackPro to completely ignore the last modification date and time of a file.

Script Author: SyncBackGuy (Dave)

Instruct SyncBackPro to completely ignore the last modification date & time of a file. This option is not available if your profile is a Sync profile, however the IgnoreTimeStamp script allows users to ignore the last modification date & time of a file for Sync profiles as well, even though the option is greyed out in the profile. This script requires that the hashing option is turned on ("Use slower but more reliable method of file change detection").

SyncBackPro Script InsertIntoSQLDB

Create JobLog Entries in SQL Tables.

Script Author: David Centofanti of Perma-Fix

This script may be used with SyncBackSE or SyncBackPro using the Run Before and Run After functions.

Script Details: Inserts Job Status into an SQL Database. This script will create JobLog entries in an SQL Table before SyncBackSE/Pro runs, then will update these entries when SyncBackSE/Pro's run is complete.

To setup:

1. Create the JobLogTable
2. Create the JobLogMaxView
3. Add the Start and End scripts with the appropriate parameters.

The start, end, and table creation scripts are included in the zip download.

SyncBackPro Script LocationLabels [in Main Window]

Shows the location labels in the main window.

SyncBack lets you label the source/left and destination/right. For example, you may be doing a backup to Amazon S3 and so want to call the destination S3. Or you may be copying legal documents from your local drive and want to call the source Legal Documents. Giving them a label makes it very clear in the user interface, logs, etc. what is being referred to in any messages, errors and prompts.

This very simple script adds two extra columns to the main window in SyncBackPro. Those columns show the labels you have given to the source/left and destination/right for all the profiles. Important: This first time you import this script you will need to exit SyncBackPro and start it again for the new columns to appear.

SyncBackPro Script OnlyYesterday

Ignores any files if the source file has not been modified yesterday.

The script is not used if it is a Restore

This is a run-time script that ignores (skips) any files if the source file has not been modified yesterday (any time during the day before the profile is run). The script will not ignore such files if the profile is run as a Restore.

SyncBackPro Script ROCopy

Sets the destination copy of a file to read-only.

This is a run-time script that sets the read-only attribute on files copied to the destination. This may be useful in situations where you want to minimize the chance of other users, or programs, accidentally changing or deleting backup files. It is only for use with profiles where the destination is a normal filesystem and compression is not used.

SyncBackPro Script RotatingDriveLetter

Ensures a single profile rotates which devices it uses as Destination each time it runs.

Many people have multiple backup devices, and data they wish to be kept regularly backed up. The "Rotating Drive Letter" script supports a single profile that rotates which devices it uses as Destination each time it runs.

The profile should be set to run according to the frequency you design the script around, and the script tells the profile which device to use. The script creates a new custom Variable - that you can use in place of the drive letter - whose value is calculated differently depending when the profile runs /calls the script for a value (that is, asks which device to use). As delivered, it is designed to be run every 15 minutes, and to toggle between one of four values. It can be edited/adapted to deliver values based on the half-hour, the hour or even the day, etcetera.

SyncBackPro Script ShowTime [in Main Window]

Adds new duration column to the Main window.

Script Author: Daniel Faust

Adds a new column labeled "Duration" which keeps track of the duration it took to scan before showing the Differences Window.

- Installing this script will add a "Duration" column (initially added on the extreme right of the Main window interface). Note this will not show in the main interface.

- The script must be enabled on individual profiles in order for the Duration cell (for that profile) to be populated with the running time.

- The Duration value will only be updated AFTER you have performed a successful Scan & run of the profile. The results reflect the duration in seconds the time it took to perform the LAST scan period, so you can have an indication of roughly how long it will take for the next scan/run of the profile. Note however that this is not an estimate of what the next Scan duration would be, but rather, reflects only the last Scan duration.

Warning: This script requires SyncBackPro V10.2.59.0 or newer.

SyncBackPro Script Free Space [in Main Window]

Adds new free space column to the Main window.

These scripts shows the free disk space on the source and/or destination drive when using SyncBackPro. Incompatible resources such as FTP display 'N/A'. There are two scripts: one for the source and one for the destination.

SyncBackPro Script WaitForFinish

Stops a profile from running until a particular program has either finished running or isn't running.

This is a run-time script that waits for a program to finish before it starts. This can be useful when you do not want to close a program, but instead want to wait for it to finish before running the profile. Note that you should edit the script and set the name of the program that your wish to wait for (see the comments in the script code). By default it waits for Notepad to finish.

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