SyncBackSE V11.3.87.0 Backup Software The fully functional download is identical for trial users and licensees. There are two installers: one for Looking for V10? See the Old Versions page. |
Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista. All server versions of Windows Server from 2008 onwards are supported (except for Core versions of Windows Server as they have no GUI).
Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows are supported. See our KB article for details about switching versions from 32-bit to 64-bit.
All of our installers are signed. Digital signing allows Windows itself to verify that the file is from 2BrightSparks and has not been tampered with. Any modification to a signed file will invalidate the digital signature. If the digital signature is valid then you can be certain it has not been infected with malware or viruses, for example.
You can verify the SHA2-256 hash values using HashOnClick:
One registered copy of the software may be used by a single person who uses the software personally on up to 5 computers to process personal data (home use). When used to process non-personal data (e.g. the workplace, but including processing non-personal data on a personal computer), a separate license must be purchased for each installation of the program (including one per virtual machine). Installing the program on a server, or on a single workstation used non-simultaneously by multiple people, counts as one installation.
Enjoy volume discounts for 2 or more licenses. If you require 300 or more licenses, Contact Us Today for special rates.
Support for users of our software has always been our top priority. From extensive help files, easy to understand Feature Articles, to hundreds of technical articles in our Knowledge Base.
Our Support Policy provides details about the direct assistance all licensed users enjoy.
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