Welcome to the May 2015 newsletter from 2BrightSparks.
In this issue: the latest update of SyncBackPro/SE/Free V7 is released, there's news of a 64bit version of our backup software, learn how to backup your photos and videos on Dropbox, and why SyncBack Touch is the perfect solution for family use.
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SyncBack V7 Update: V7.3.1.29
Get the latest and greatest V7 update to SyncBackPro, SyncBackSE and SyncBackFree.
SyncBackPro V7 Highlights - note the recent improvements to Cloud Support:
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Cloud Support: Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, Dropbox, Amazon S3, Azure, Google Storage, Office 365 (OneDrive for Business and SharePoint), and SugarSync. |
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Supports Media Transfer Protocol: transfer media files to and from portable devices automatically. Backup your pictures, music files and movies. |
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Works with SyncBack Touch: in common with SyncBackSE, SyncBackPro V7 works with SyncBack Touch to backup Windows, macOS, and Android devices. |
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Scripting Support: Configure the program and profiles using your own scripts. |
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Blisteringly Fast: Enjoy a 20% improvement in scan performance. |
For those who already have V5/6 installed, do not uninstall/re-install, or you will lose your profiles and settings. Simply install 'over the top' of your current installation.
Download SyncBackPro V7
SyncBackSE V7
SyncBackFree V7
the history of changes for SyncBackFree/SE/Pro
What if I use a pre-version 7 of SyncBackPro/SE/Free?
Read the Article SyncBackPro/SE V7 Upgrades Explained for the full details, or check whether you qualify for a Free Upgrade Today (only for v4/5/6 users as the serial test will fail if you already have V7).
SyncBackFree, SyncBackSE and SyncBackPro
are three versions of our backup program: "SyncBackFree" which is freeware, and "SyncBackSE" and "SyncBackPro" which are commercial programs.
the freeware and commercial versions
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For Power Users - SyncBackPro/SE/Free V7 64bit
We have some breaking news for those who have particularly demanding backup procedures. We're working hard on 64-bit versions of SyncBackPro, SyncBackSE and SyncBackFree. Beta versions of these will be released in the near future.
The 64-bit version of Windows handles large amounts of random access memory (RAM) more effectively than a 32-bit system. Although SyncBackPro/SE/Free work beautifully on every version of Windows from XP SP3 onwards (both 32 and 64bit), 32-bit software does not take full advantage of the potential benefits of a 64-bit system.
With more memory, you can keep more files and programs open at once without slowing down your computer. In the main, a 64-bit system will only come into its own when the demand on the system is extremely high. For tasks the average computer users carries out it's unlikely you would notice a difference. Some power users and servers might however benefit from large amounts of RAM and a 64-bit system to carry out multiple, simultaneous tasks.
64-bit refers to the number of bits that can be processed or transmitted in parallel. Being able to utilize far more RAM memory is useful when processing (backing up) extremely large volumes of files, and/or processing those files at the highest compression level. If for example you try using LZMA compression on a 32-bit system, you may experience out of memory errors with some files, especially larger ones. The 64-bit versions of SyncBack will alleviate these memory issues.
Once we have released a beta version we'll announce it via our forum and BETA Mailing List.
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Backup Your Photos and Videos on Dropbox
SyncBackPro V7 is THE backup and sync workhorse for people across the world. Along with rock solid reliability and performance you'll also find some great Cloud support.
Our Technical Director, Michael J. Leaver has written a step-by-step guide showing how to backup photos and videos that are sent from your phone or tablet to Dropbox. Why is this so important? Because Dropbox is not a backup, it is a location where data is stored, and for any data that you value, creating a backup is the only certain way to protect yourself against losing that data.
Read How to Backup Your Photos and Videos on Dropbox
SyncBackPro V7 also supports Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, Amazon S3, Azure, Google Storage, Office 365 (OneDrive for Business and SharePoint), and SugarSync. No matter what Cloud service you use, make sure you backup your Cloud data today.
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Why SyncBack Touch?
Every single licensed user of SyncBackPro (or SyncBackSE) enjoys two free connections to the Windows/OS X/Android App SyncBack Touch. SyncBack Touch works with SyncBackSE or SyncBackPro to make backing up from a dizzying array of devices a snap. Think of SyncBackPro/SE as a control room, and SyncBack Touch as an easy to use communication system that connects the control room with another device.
SyncBack Touch is not only free to download, it's free to use when connecting two devices with a licensed installation of SyncBackPro or SyncBackSE. If you need to backup more than two additional devices you have the option to purchase additional connections.
For home users processing personal data you can choose the 5 Connection Home Pack (SyncBack Touch) at US$29.95 which will cover you for a total of 8 devices! 1 SyncBackPro/SE Windows installation, 2 free Touch connections, and 5 Home pack Touch connections.
As an example, using a combination of SyncBackSE and SyncBack Touch, eight computers and devices in the following home user setup can be backed up for less than US$65!
1 SyncBackPro/SE Windows installation, 2 free Touch connections, and 5 Home pack Touch connections:
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A Windows Personal Computer [running SyncBackSE] |
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Three Android Phones! [running SyncBack Touch for Android] |
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An Apple iMac [running SyncBack Touch for OS X] |
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A MacBook Pro [running SyncBack Touch for OS X] |
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A Student Windows Laptop [running SyncBack Touch for Windows] |
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An Android Tablet [running SyncBack Touch for Android] |
You can even purchase another home pack giving you a total of 13 devices which should be more than enough for any family. The SyncBack Touch Home User license pack adds a maximum of ten connections and only two Home Packs may be used on any installation of SyncBackPro/SE. Separate SyncBack Touch licenses for work can also be purchased for a cost of US$34.95 each and in contrast to the Home Packs have no connection limit. Volume discounts for separate licenses of SyncBack Touch start at 5 or more.
Find Out More about SyncBack Touch
Please note the minimum system requirements on the SyncBack Touch Download Page
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Lucky Draw Winners
Every month, ten lucky winners who complete the SyncBackSE/Pro survey forms receive a free license for OnClick Utilities. The link to the survey is contained in the order confirmation email. We will even allow you to transfer your license to friends or family if you've already got a license. Good luck!
To date, over 1300 lucky people have already received free software from us just by simply completing the survey, so what are you waiting for?
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Next Time
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The 2BrightSparks Team.
2BrightSparks Pte Ltd.
Power with Ease - Indispensable Utility Software
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