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This page shows you the history of a profile, e.g. when it was run, where it was run, the result, etc. If the profile has not been run yet then this page will not be shown. This is similar to the log files except it's provided in table form. The history is also recorded separately from the log files and uses less disk space, so you may want to keep a longer history. A profiles history is also sent to the SyncBack Management Service ( Pro version only) to enable remote monitoring of profiles. Note that no history is kept of simulated runs or integrity checks.
There are two tabs: Simple and Detailed. The Simple tab just lists the last five runs of the profile and gives a brief overview of what happened. e.g. when the profile was run. The Detailed tab shows every profile run and all the details for those runs.
On the Detailed tab, if you right-click on the history then a pop-up menu appears. Using this pop-up menu you can choose which columns to show or hide. See the Columns section below for the meaning of each column.
You can export the entire profile history to a comma-delimited (CSV) file by clicking the Export all... button.
Scripts ( Pro version only) have access to most of this information via the SBHistory object.
Note that you cannot save or load defaults nor load the history from another profile.
•Maximum run history to keep: The number of profile runs to keep a history of. The default is 50 and the maximum is 500.
Columns 1 and 2 show the result of the profile run:
•Result (1): The result of the profiles run, e.g. Success.
•Critical Error (2): If there was a critical error then it is shown in this column.
Columns 3 to 22 show information about the profile and its source/left and destination/right:
•Type (3): A description of the type of profile, e.g. Fast Backup.
•Backup Type (4): If the profile is a Fast Backup then this is the type of backup, e.g. Incremental.
•Group (5): If the profile was run as part of a group, then the name of the parent group is shown.
•Group Start Time (6): The date & time the parent group started (if part of a group).
•Profile Start Time (7): The date & time the profile started.
•Restore (8): If the profile was run as a Restore then it is indicated in this column.
•Computer Name (9): The name of the computer the profile was run on.
•Username (10): The Windows username of the user who ran the profile.
•Source/Left (11): The source/left path.
•Source/Left Override (12): If the source/left path was passed on the command line then it is indicated in this column.
•Source/Left Volume Serial (13): The serial number of the source/left volume (that the source/left path is on).
•Source/Left Free disk space (14): Free disk space (in bytes) available to the user on the source/left.
•Destination/Right (15): The destination/right path or filename.
•Destination/Right Override (16): If the destination/right path was passed on the command line then it is indicated in this column.
•Destination/Right Volume Serial (17): The serial number of the destination/right volume (that the destination/right path is on).
•Destination/Right Free disk space (18): Free disk space (in bytes) available to the user on the destination/right.
•FTP Server (19): If an FTP (or SFTP or FTPS) server was used, then this is the hostname of the server.
•POP3/IMAP4 Server (20): If an email server was used, then this is the hostname of the server.
•Cloud (21): If a cloud server was used then this is the type of cloud server, e.g. Amazon S3.
•Bucket/Container (22): If a cloud server was used then this is the name of the bucket/container used on the cloud server.
Columns 23 to 33 show information about the differences found between the source/left and destination/right:
•Files Changed (23): The total number of file differences between the source/left and destination right. It is a sum of the columns 25 to 31.
•Files Unchanged (24): The number of identical files (or there are only versions available).
•Contents Changed (25): The total number of files whose contents have changed (only known if the slow method of file comparison is used).
•Date/Time Changed (Modified) (26): The total number of files whose last modification date & times are different.
•Date/Time Changed (Created) (27): The total number of files whose last creation date & times are different.
•NTFS Security Changed (28): The total number of files whose security settings are different.
•Size Changed (29): The total number of files whose sizes are different.
•Attributes Changed (30): The total number of files whose file attributes are different.
•Filename Case Changed (31): The total number of files whose filename case is different.
•Only in Source (32): The total number of files only in the source/left.
•Only in Destination (33): The total number of files only in the destination/right.
Columns 34 to 43 show information about what was actually done during the profile run, i.e. changes made to the source/left and destination/right:
•Deleted (34): The total number of files that were deleted (either from the source/left or destination/right).
•Deleted (KBytes) (35): The sum of the sizes of all files that were deleted.
•Skipped (36): The total number of files skipped, e.g. nothing was done with or to the files.
•Copied (37): The total number of files copied.
•Moved (38): The total number of files moved.
•Copied/Moved (KBytes) (39): The sum of the sizes of all files that were copied or moved.
•Renamed (40): The total number of files or folders renamed.
•Date Changed (41): The total number of files that had their last modification date & time changed to match the opposite file.
•Attributes Changed (42): The total number of files that had their file attributes changed to match the opposite file.
•Versions Restored (43): The total number of files that had versions restored.
Columns 44 to 46 show total error counts accumulated during the profile run:
•Critical Errors (44): The total number of files that failed to be copied, moved, or deleted.
•Compression Errors (45): The total number of compression related errors, e.g. could not be zipped or unzipped.
•Cannot Compute Hash (46): The total number of files that could not have their contents compared (the slow method of comparison).
•Warnings (47): The total number of warnings.
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