Welcome to the latest news from 2BrightSparks. In this issue we've news of an
update for SyncBackSE, you will find out where to get help when you run
into problems when using our products, and you can discover whether you
can live without ScrambleOnClick.
If you have any suggestions on what you might like to see in future issues
of this newsletter, drop
us a line with your suggestions.

this issue
• SyncBackSE
V4.2.3 Update

• Can't
do without ScrambleOnClick!

• SyncBackSE
is the People's Choice

• Where
to get help for 2BrightSpark's products

• Staff

• New
Articles at 2BrightSparks

• Lucky
Draw Winners
V4.2.3 Update
The latest release of
SyncBackSE 4.2.3 sees a new Japanese translation of both the program
and help file, an updated Czech translation, and many fixes. This
is a free upgrade for all those who have paid for a SyncBackSE license.
Note: For "SyncBack" Freeware,
read the section that appears later in this newsletter.
Review the complete list of updates, additions and fixes in this
new version.
To upgrade from earlier versions of SyncBackSE simply download and
install over your old version. You should clear your browser cache
first to avoid accidentally downloading the older version.
To upgrade, simply Download
IMPORTANT: Do not uninstall your old version first otherwise you
will lose all your settings and profiles. Simply install over your
current version.
SyncBackSE and SyncBack Freeware
There are two versions of our SyncBack software: SyncBackSE, which
is our award-winning $30.00 software, and SyncBack freeware, which
is free.
The latest version of SyncBack freeware is V3.2.14.
SyncBack Freeware
If you are a user of the freeware, be aware that SyncBackSE
includes a number of significant features that may be of value
to you.
SyncBack Freeware and SyncBackSE
Windows 98, ME, and NT Support for
Starting with V4.1, and in line with Microsoft's support
policy, SyncBackSE no longer runs on versions of Windows
older than
Windows 2000 SP4. If you are using Windows 98, 98SE, ME,
or NT 4 then the
last version of SyncBackSE to run on those versions of Windows
is V4.0.
Download SyncBackSE V4.0
SyncBack freeware can still be run on Windows 98 or newer
Can't do without ScrambleOnClick!
ScrambleOnClick was
developed for the sole purpose of easing the lives of computer users
who send electronic information to friends and colleagues and require
some sort of security.
Say goodbye to clunky encrypted files of text that you need to attach to your
emails, and say hello to encrypted text directly within your email or text
document itself. It's so convenient, and only the person who encrypts the messages
needs to purchase a license for ScrambleOnClick. The reader will be able to
decrypt the text by downloading and installing ScrambleOnClick from our website
We at 2BrightSparks use ScrambleOnClick frequently whenever
we email sensitive material to each other, so what are you waiting for? Get
your very own OnClick Utilities for only $25 and enjoy ScrambleOnClick and
the other 6 fabulous programs, which include DeleteOnClick, UnDeleteOnClick,
PatchOnClick, EncryptOnClick, FindOnClick, HashOnClick and a beta-version of
Out More About OnClick Utilities
to the top
SyncBackSE is the People's Choice
We are pleased and honored
that SyncBackSE received the largest number of votes through PC World
of any software product in the recent Shareware Industry Awards. Our
thanks to those of our users who voted for us! For more information,
go to:
Where to get help for 2BrightSpark's products
We understand the difficulty
that people have when using a new software, no matter how user-friendly
it may be. That is why we offer an extensive variety of support for
our products: KnowledgeBase, FAQs, Tutorials, an active Forum, and
the Support Ticketing system. So that you’re aware of these valuable
before you need them, take a look at our Support Center:
The help files for SyncBackSE
and OnClick Utilities are easily accessed either via the program menu,
as PDF help files that you can download,
or online. Take a look at them - our programs have many features,
and you might be missing out on something very useful:
Staff Sparks
Hi. I am Richard Gascoigne,
and I handle finance, administration and some marketing for 2BrightSparks.
My background is many years (I’m not telling how many) doing software
marketing, support and administration. I first helped Mick Leaver and
Mike de Sousa as a volunteer back when SyncBack was just a great freeware
product, and finally joined full-time as the company got ready to release
its first commercial product, SyncBackSE.
We still do offer the great freeware version – that’s part of what we
view as our social responsibility. But, by commercializing SyncBackSE,
we could afford to build a small, fun, company to improve and support
it, and to develop yet more applications for our customers.
Even though we’ve doubled in size (six, and one more coming), we try
to keep the same spirit – both internally and with respect to our customers
and partners. We believe that life isn’t just about work. So, to give
ourselves maximum flexibility, we run a “virtual office” (That’s a $10
word that means we all work from our homes). Everyone has their jobs
to do, and does them - without benefit of a 9 to 5 office.
It works well for us, thanks to email, Skype, and the occasional “company
meeting” at a convenient pub. Most importantly, though, is that we only
bring in smart, motivated people who do their jobs without being micro-managed.
You will be hearing from each of them in subsequent newsletters. Stay
tuned, and don’t forget to encourage your friends to backup their data
- with SyncBackSE!
New Articles at 2BrightSparks
We have added a few more articles since the last newsletter:
Backup Using FTP
The next most important task after backing up your data files is to ensure
that your backups are stored safely, preferably offsite. This article
details the different kinds of secure FTP protocols, and presents an
easy to use software solution that assists with backing up to a server
via FTP.
Understanding Compression
File compression enables a computer user to reduce the size of a data
file so that it is more convenient for storage or sharing. Many of us
have experienced difficulties in sending data files like text documents
and digital photos via email because the file size is just too great.
Find out about the different kinds of compression and how useful it is.
Draw Winners
Every month, ten lucky winners
who complete the SyncBackSE survey form receive a free license for OnClick
Utilities. The link to the survey is contained in the order confirmation
email for SyncBackSE. We will even allow you to transfer your license
to friends or family if you've already got a license. So if you haven't
completed the survey and you're a SyncBackSE licensee, why not do so
return to the top
Next Time
Thanks for reading and we look
forward to getting in touch again in a months time.
The 2BrightSparks Team.
2BrightSparks Pte Ltd.
Power with Ease - Indispensable Utility Software
All Content: 2BrightSparks © 2003-2010