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A number of constants are available.




The following are location abilities. Note that some of these cannot be returned by LocAbilities:


CAN_WINDOWSFOLDERS = Does the location use Windows folders? Cannot be used by LocAbilities()

CAN_COPYDIRATTRS = Can the directory attributes and date & times be copied to a new directory? Cannot be used by LocAbilities()

CAN_COPYSECURITY = Can the file/folder NTFS security be copied? Cannot be used by LocAbilities()

CAN_USEBACKUPAPI = Can the BackupRead/BackupWrite API's be used? Cannot be used by LocAbilities()

CAN_USEMD5 = Can use MD5 hashing? This is used for verification and file integrity checking.

CAN_USEATTRIBUTES = Do files/folders have Windows attributes? See also CAN_NTFSATTRIBUTES

CAN_EXACTDATETIME = Are dates & times stored exactly (including milli-seconds)?

CAN_HASLASTACCESS = Can a file/folder last access date & times be stored? Introduced in SyncBackPro V10.

CAN_CHANGEDATETIME = Can file/folder date & times be changed?

CAN_SINGLEZIP = Are all the files stored in a single Zip file? Cannot be used by LocAbilities()

CAN_HAVEEMPTYPATH = Can the base path be empty?

CAN_STOREDONWINDOWS = Is the location on a Windows filesystem? e.g. a drive or UNC path. Cannot be used by LocAbilities()

CAN_VERSION = Does the location support versioning?

CAN_DIRECTACCESS = Are files stored on a Windows filesystem uncompressed etc? Cannot be used by LocAbilities()

CAN_NTFSATTRIBUTES = Files & folders have NTFS extended attributes?

CAN_WRITEONCE = Write-once, meaning cannot read from it only write to it, e.g. split zip

CAN_MOVE_FILES = Can files be moved/renamed?

CAN_USECRC32 = Can use CRC32 hashing?

CAN_MOVE_FOLDERS = Can folders be moved/renamed?

CAN_PREFERRED_FILECASE = It is better to use the case of files on this location

CAN_PREFERRED_FOLDERCASE = It is better to use the case of folders on this location

CAN_CANNOT_COPYTO = Files cannot be copied to this location, but can be deleted from it, e.g. backup of email

CAN_VIRTUALFOLDERS = Folders are virtual and not real so they should not be created, deleted, or renamed, e.g. cloud

CAN_RESUME_TRANSFER = Can the location resume a broken file transfer if the profile is run again?

CAN_CHANGE_FILEATTRS = Can file attributes be changed?

CAN_CHANGE_FOLDERATTRS = Can folder attributes be changed?

CAN_CHANGE_CACHEDSIZE = Can file size be changed? Cloud only. This is used with cloud caching. Cannot be used by LocAbilities()

CAN_CHANGE_CACHEDHASH = Can file hash be changed? Cloud only. This is used with cloud caching. Cannot be used by LocAbilities()

CAN_USESHA1 = Can use SHA1 hashing? This is used for verification and file integrity checking.

CAN_USESHA256 = Can use SHA256 hashing? This is used for verification and file integrity comparison.

CAN_USESHA512 = Can use SHA512 hashing? This is used for verification and file integrity comparison.





The following are the reasons why a profile was aborted:


EAR_User = User chose to stop this profile

EAR_Timeup = Profile has run out of time (ELR_TimeLimit)

EAR_ProgramClose = SyncBack is closing

EAR_StopAllProfiles = User wants to stop all the profiles

EAR_WindowsShutdown = Profiles are stopping because of Windows shutdown

EAR_StoppingGroup = Stopping because it's part of a group that is being stopped

EAR_Script = Aborted by a script

EAR_TooManyDeletes = Too many files will be deleted (ELR_TooManyDeletes)

EAR_TooManyUpdates = Too many files will be updated (ELR_TooManyUpdated)

EAR_TooManyCopies = Too many files will be copied/moved (ELR_TooManyCopies)

EAR_AlreadyRunning = The profile was already running

EAR_UserOther = User chose to stop this profile (from another process)

EAR_TooManyUpdates = Too many files will be updated (ELR_TooManyUpdates)

EAR_UserRemote = User chose to stop this profile using SyncBack Monitor

EAR_UserRemoteOther = User chose to stop this profile using SyncBack Monitor (from another process)

EAR_Elevation = Not running in the correct elevation state (ELR_Elevation)





The following are actions that can be performed on files and folders (note that many of these cannot be used with folders):


CACTION_ERROR = Skip the file - there was an error

CACTION_SKIP_ONCE_UPD = Do nothing, skip/ignore the file. SmartSync data is updated.

CACTION_COPY_TOSOURCE = Copy from destination to the source

CACTION_COPY_TODEST = Copy from source to the destination

CACTION_DELSOURCE = Delete from source

CACTION_DELDEST = Delete from destination

CACTION_DELBOTH = Delete source & destination

CACTION_MISSING_PROMPT = A file is in source or destination, but not both, prompt the user

CACTION_DETAILS_PROMPT = Contents same, but attributes and/or date & time changed, prompt the user

CACTION_BOTH_PROMPT = The file has changed in both, prompt the user

CACTION_USE_SRC_DETAILS = Use the file attributes, security, filename case, and/or date & time from the source

CACTION_USE_DEST_DETAILS = Use the file attributes, security, filename case, and/or date & time from the destination

CACTION_MOVE_TOSOURCE = Move from destination to the source

CACTION_MOVE_TODEST = Move from source to the destination

CACTION_UNCHANGED = The file is actually unchanged (for Fast Backup only)

CACTION_RENAME_SOURCE = Rename the source file (for SmartSync only when FILES HAVE BEEN RENAMED)

CACTION_RENAME_DEST = Rename the destination file (for SmartSync only when FILES HAVE BEEN RENAMED)

CACTION_SKIP_ALWAYS = Same as CACTION_SKIP_ONCE_NOUPD except selections updated so file is unselected

CACTION_SKIP_ONCE_NOUPD = Do nothing, skip/ignore the file. SmartSync/Cloud database is NOT updated.





The following are profile backup types:


ERBT_Unknown = Unknown

ERBT_Full = Full

ERBT_Incremental = Incremental

ERBT_Differential = Differential





The following are cloud service types:


ECT_S3 = Including Google Storage (S3 emulation)


ECT_GDrive = Google Drive



ECT_Office365V1 = SharePoint and OneDrive for Business (legacy API for V7 and earlier)

ECT_Rackspace = Rackspace/Openstack

ECT_Backblaze = Backblaze B2

ECT_DropboxV2 = Dropbox V2

ECT_OneDriveV2 = OneDrive (personal)

ECT_OneDriveBiz_SharedKey = OneDrive (business) use ECT_OneDriveBiz_NewKey instead

ECT_SharePoint_SharedKey = SharePoint - use ECT_OneDriveBiz_NewKey instead

ECT_GoogleStorage = Google Storage (native API, not S3 emulation)

ECT_hubiC = Openstack with OAuth authentication (service no longer available)



ECT_ShareFile = Citrix ShareFile

ECT_pCloud = PCloud

ECT_OneDriveBiz_NewKey = OneDrive (business) - replacement for ECT_OneDriveBiz_SharedKey

ECT_SharePoint_NewKey = SharePoint - replacement for ECT_SharePoint_SharedKey





The following are date and time constants. These were introduced in V11.










DateDelta = Days between 1/1/0001 and 12/31/1899

UnixDateDelta = Days between TDateTime basis (12/31/1899) and Unix time_t basis (1/1/1970)











The following are differences. Note that the values can be or'ed together if there is more than one difference:


CDIFF_IDENTICAL = Skipped because of settings or files are identical

CDIFF_SIZE = Different sizes, does not apply to directories

CDIFF_HASH = Different hash values, does not apply to directories

CDIFF_MODDATETIME = Different modification date & time

CDIFF_DESTONLY = In destination only

CDIFF_SRCONLY = In source only

CDIFF_ATTRIB = Different attributes

CDIFF_VERSION = Only the versions exist (will show in Differences window), does not apply to directories

CDIFF_CASE = File case is different

CDIFF_CREATEDATETIME = Different creation date & time

CDIFF_ACCESSDATETIME = Different last access date & time

CDIFF_NTFSSEC = Different NTFS security

CDIFF_IDENTICAL_CHANGE = Identical, but profile configured to change identical files (V11)

CDIFF_HARDLINK = Hard links different (V11)

CDIFF_SYMLINK = Symbolic links different (V11)





The following are exact profile types:


EPTError = Error

EPTUnknown = Unknown profile type

EPTCustom = Custom

EPTBackupFromSrc = Backup from source to destination

EPTBackupFromDest = Backup from destination to source

EPTOldSync = Basic Sync

EPTSync = Intelligent Sync

EPTGroup = Group (not queue)

EPTMirrorRight = Mirror from source to destination

EPTMirrorLeft = Mirror from destination to source

EPTGroupQ = Group (queue) (V11)





The following are standard Windows file attributes:
























The following are reasons why a file or folder is ignored:


EIRUnknown = Unknown

EIRNotSelected = Not selected in folder & file selection tree

EIRDoesNotExist = File/folder does not exist

EIRJunctionPoint = Is a junction point and settings say they are to be ignored

EIRNewFolder = A new folder and parent folder settings say new folders are to be ignored

EIRNewFile = A new file and parent folder settings say new files are to be ignored

EIRFiltered = Filtered out due to filter settings

EIRNotZipFile = File is not a Zip file (when multi-zip and a non-zip file is found)

EIRError = Skipped due to error

EIRNotModifiedWithin = Wasn't modified within the required time

EIRSizeOutOfBounds = File size is too small or too large

EIRIdentical = The source & destination files are considered the same (based on the profile settings)

EIRAdvancedSetting = Due to Decisions-Files, Decision-Folders settings. Many possible reasons, e.g. in destination but not source

EIRNotOldEnoughToDelete = Old file (only in source or dest) not deleted as it's not old enough

EIRCannotModifySource = Source cannot be modified, e.g. Fast Backup

EIROtherFileNewer = The destination file is newer so cannot be replaced

EIRCannotReplaceReadOnly = The destination file is read-only so cannot be replaced

EIRCannotDelReadOnly = The destination file is read-only so cannot be deleted

EIRCannotMoveCopyReadOnly = Source is read-only so cannot be copied

EIRCannotMoveCopyNotAttrib = Source file does not have archive attribute set so cannot be copied

EIRCannotMoveCopyHidden = Source file has hidden attribute set so cannot be copied

EIRCannotMoveCopySystem = Source file has system attribute set so cannot be copied

EIRDST = Not copied due to DST time difference

EIRSameSize = Files same size

EIRScript = Ignored by script

EIRCannotMoveCopyCloudOffline = Source file has cloud offline attribute set so cannot be copied

EIRCannotMoveCopyEncrypted = Source file has encrypted attribute set so cannot be copied

EIRCannotModifyDest = Destination cannot be modified

EIRSameTime = Files same date & time

EIRReplacingWithEmpty = Trying to replace a non-empty file with an empty file

EIRNotCreatedWithin = Wasn't created within the required time

EIRCannotMoveCopyTemp = Source file has temp attribute set so cannot be copied

EIRCannotMoveCopyRPFiles = Source file has reparse point attribute set so cannot be copied

EIRCannotMoveCopyNTFSOffline = Source file has NTFS offline attribute set so cannot be copied

EIRNotAccessedWithin = Wasn't accessed within the required time (V11)

EIRHiddenDirectory = Ignoring hidden directories (V11)

EIRSystemDirectory = Ignoring system directories (V11)

EIRAlreadyScanned = Is a junction point and the folder it points to has already been scanned (V11)

EIRWindowsJunctionPoint = Is a Windows backwards compatible junction point and settings say they are to be ignored (V11)

EIRPinned = Ignoring pinned files and directories (V11)

EIRUnpinned = Ignoring unpinned files and directories (V11)

EIRPlaceHolder = Ignoring placeholder directories (V11)





The following are profile types:


ptInvalid = Invalid profile type

ptProfile = Normal profile

ptGroup = Group profile





The following are profile run results:


ELR_None = No result

ELR_UnknownProfile = Unknown profile

ELR_AlreadyRunning = Profile is already running

ELR_Imported = Profile has been imported and not run yet

ELR_Running = Profile is running

ELR_InternalError = Internal error

ELR_SimAborted = Simulated run was aborted

ELR_SimFailed = Simulated run failed

ELR_SimSuccess = Simulated run was a success

ELR_RestAborted = Restore was aborted

ELR_RestFailed = Restore failed

ELR_RestSuccess = Restore was a success

ELR_Aborted = Run was aborted

ELR_AbortedRemote = Run was aborted (remotely)

ELR_Failed = Run failed

ELR_Success = Run was a success

ELR_NetFailed = Failed due to network connection

ELR_ScanFailed = Failed because left or right could not be scanned

ELR_CompFailed = Failed because the left and right could not be compared

ELR_RunBeforeFailed = Run failed because Run Before program stopped profile

ELR_Disabled = Run failed because profile is disabled

ELR_SMARTFailed = Run failed because drive errors were found

ELR_EmailFailed = Run failed because the log could not be emailed

ELR_SnapshotFailed = Run failed because the Volume Shadow Copy service failed

ELR_TimeLimit = Profile was aborted because it reached its run-time limit

ELR_TooManyDeletes = Profile was aborted because too many files would be deleted

ELR_TooManyUpdates = Profile was aborted because too many files would be updated

ELR_TooManyCopies = Profile was aborted because too many files would be copied/moved

ELR_IntegrityCheckAborted = Integrity check run was aborted

ELR_IntegrityCheckFailed = Integrity check run failed

ELR_IntegrityCheckSuccess = Integrity check run was a success

ELR_RansomwareProtection = Ransomware Protection

ELR_Elevation = Incorrect elevation





The following are Bing voices:


bv_Local = Uses local Windows COM Speech

bv_ArabicEgyptFemale = ar-EGFemaleHoda

bv_ArabicSaudiArabiaMale = ar-SAMaleNaayf

bv_BulgarianBulgariaMale = bg-BGMaleIvan

bv_CatalanSpainFemale = ca-ESFemaleHerenaRUS

bv_DanishDenmarkFemale = da-DKFemaleHelleRUS

bv_GermanAustriaMale = de-ATMaleMichael

bv_GermanSwitzerlandMale = de-CHMaleKarsten

bv_GermanGermanyFemale = de-DEFemaleHedda

bv_GermanGermanyFemale2 = de-DEFemaleHeddaRUS

bv_GermanGermanyMale = de-DEMaleStefan, Apollo

bv_GreekGreeceMale = el-GRMaleStefanos

bv_EnglishAustraliaFemale = en-AUFemaleCatherine

bv_EnglishAustraliaFemale2 = en-AUFemaleHayleyRUS

bv_EnglishCanadaFemale = en-CAFemaleLinda

bv_EnglishCanadaFemale2 = From V11, this is identical to bv_EnglishCanadaFemale

bv_EnglishBritainFemale = en-GBFemaleSusan, Apollo

bv_EnglishBritainFemale2 = en-GBFemaleHazelRUS

bv_EnglishBritainMale = en-GBMaleGeorge, Apollo

bv_EnglishIndiaFemale = en-INFemaleHeera, Apollo

bv_EnglishIndiaFemale2 = From V11, this is identical to bv_EnglishIndiaFemale

bv_EnglishIndiaMale = en-INMaleRavi, Apollo

bv_EnglishUnitedStatesFemale = en-USFemaleZiraRUS

bv_EnglishUnitedStatesFemale2 = en-USFemaleJessaRUS

bv_EnglishUnitedStatesMale = en-USMaleBenjaminRUS

bv_SpanishSpainFemale = es-ESFemaleLaura, Apollo

bv_SpanishSpainFemale2 = es-ESFemaleHelenaRUS

bv_SpanishSpainMale = es-ESMalePablo, Apollo

bv_SpanishMexicoFemale = es-MXFemaleHildaRUS

bv_SpanishMexicoMale = es-MXMaleRaul, Apollo

bv_FinnishFinlandFemale = fi-FIFemaleHeidiRUS

bv_FrenchCanadaFemale = fr-CAFemaleCaroline

bv_FrenchCanadaFemale2 = From V11, this is identical to bv_FrenchCanadaFemale

bv_FrenchSwitzerlandMale = fr-CHMaleGuillaume

bv_FrenchFranceFemale = fr-FRFemaleJulie, Apollo

bv_FrenchFranceFemale2 = fr-FRFemaleHortenseRUS

bv_FrenchFranceMale = fr-FRMalePaul, Apollo

bv_HebrewIsraelMale = he-ILMaleAsaf

bv_HindiIndiaFemale = hi-INFemaleKalpana, Apollo

bv_HindiIndiaFemale2 = hi-INFemaleKalpana

bv_HindiIndiaMale = hi-INMaleHemant

bv_CroatianCroatiaMale = hr-HRMaleMatej

bv_HungarianHungaryMale = hu-HUMaleSzabolcs

bv_IndonesianIndonesiaMale = id-IDMaleAndika

bv_ItalianItalyMale = it-ITMaleCosimo, Apollo

bv_JapaneseJapanFemale = ja-JPFemaleAyumi, Apollo

bv_JapaneseJapanMale = ja-JPMaleIchiro, Apollo

bv_JapaneseJapanFemale2 = ja-JPFemaleHarukaRUS

bv_JapaneseJapanFemale3 = ja-JPFemaleLuciaRUS

bv_JapaneseJapanMale2 = ja-JPMaleEkaterinaRUS

bv_KoreanKoreaFemale = ko-KRFemaleHeamiRUS

bv_MalayMalaysiaMale = ms-MYMaleRizwan

bv_NorwegianNorwayFemale = nb-NOFemaleHuldaRUS

bv_DutchNetherlandsFemale = nl-NLFemaleHannaRUS

bv_PolishPolandFemale = pl-PLFemalePaulinaRUS

bv_PortugueseBrazilFemale = pt-BRFemaleHeloisaRUS

bv_PortugueseBrazilMale = pt-BRMaleDaniel, Apollo

bv_PortuguesePortugalFemale = pt-PTFemaleHeliaRUS

bv_RomanianRomaniaMale = ro-ROMaleAndrei

bv_RussianRussiaFemale = ru-RUFemaleIrina, Apollo

bv_RussianRussiaMale = ru-RUMalePavel, Apollo

bv_SlovakSlovakiaMale = sk-SKMaleFilip

bv_SlovenianSloveniaMale = sl-SIMaleLado

bv_SwedishSwedenFemale = sv-SEFemaleHedvigRUS

bv_TamilIndiaMale = ta-INMaleValluvar

bv_ThaiThailandMale = th-THMalePattara

bv_TurkishTurkeyFemale = tr-TRFemaleSedaRUS

bv_VietnameseVietnamMale = vi-VNMaleAn

bv_ChineseChinaFemale = zh-CNFemaleHuihuiRUS

bv_ChineseChinaFemale2 = zh-CNFemaleYaoyao, Apollo

bv_ChineseChinaMale = zh-CNMaleKangkang, Apollo

bv_ChineseHongKongFemale = zh-HKFemaleTracy, Apollo

bv_ChineseHongKongFemale2 = zh-HKFemaleTracyRUS

bv_ChineseHongKongMale = zh-HKMaleDanny, Apollo

bv_ChineseTaiwanFemale = zh-TWFemaleYating, Apollo

bv_ChineseTaiwanFemale2 = zh-TWFemaleHanHanRUS

bv_ChineseTaiwanMale = zh-TWMaleZhiwei, Apollo





The following are file integrity types:


EIT_None = None

EIT_CRC32 = CRC32 hash value

EIT_MD5 = MD5 hash value

EIT_SHA1 = SHA1 hash value

EIT_SHA256 = SHA256 hash value

EIT_SHA512 = SHA512 hash value

EIT_ETAG = Cloud ETAG value





The following are file version types:

















The following are the versions of Windows:


wvUnknown = Unknown

wvWin2000 = Windows 2000 - 5.0 (build 2195) - not supported

wvWinXP = Windows XP - 5.1 (build 2600) - not supported

wvWin2003 = Windows 2003 - 5.2 (also 2003 R2, Home Server, and XP Pro x64) (build 3790) - not supported

wvVista = Windows Vista - 6.0 (build 6000..6002)

wvWindows2008 = Windows 2008 - 6.0 (build 6001..6002)

wvWindows7 = Windows 7 - 6.1 (build 7600..7601)

wvWindows2008R2 = Windows 2008 R2 - 6.1 (build 7600..7601)

wvWindows8 = Windows 8 - 6.2 (build 9200)

wvWindows2012 = Windows 2012 - 6.2 (build 9200)

wvWindows81 = Windows 8.1 - 6.3 (build 9600)

wvWindows2012R2 = Windows 2012 R2 - 6.3 (build 9600)

wvWindows10 = Windows 10 - 10.0 (build 10240...)

wvWindows2016 = Windows 2016 - 10.0 (build < 17763)

wvWindows2019 = Windows 2019 - 10.0 (build >=17763)

wvWindows11 = Windows 11 - 10.0 (build 22000...)




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