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Silent Install

To install SyncBackPro without any prompts or messages on the screen use the /verysilent command line parameter with the installation executable, e.g.

SyncBackPro64_Setup.exe /verysilent

It is important that it is the first command line parameter.

If you are using the non-elevated installer (the install filename ends with _NE, e.g. SyncBackPro64_Setup_NE.exe), and this is the first time you are installing (i.e. SyncBackPro is not already installed), then you must specify which installation you wish. If you want to install just for yourself (which does not require you to be a Windows administrator):

SyncBackPro64_Setup_NE.exe /verysilent  /currentuser

If you want to install just for all users (which requires you to be a Windows administrator):

SyncBackPro64_Setup_NE.exe /verysilent  /allusers

With the non-elevated installers there is no need to specify /currentuser or /allusers if SyncBackPro is already installed. If already installed then it will use the previous setting, i.e. if it is already installed for all users then it will install for all users.

WARNING: When using a silent installation, no prompting can be done. Therefore, if the installer cannot replace a file because it is being used, then it will replace it on reboot. If it needs to reboot to replace the file then it will immediately reboot, without prompting, once the installation is complete. To stop it rebooting use /NORESTART:

SyncBackPro64_Setup.exe /verysilent /norestart

You may also want to use /CloseApplications or /ForceCloseApplications (see below).

You should also bear in mind that if you disable prompting, it is assumed you tacitly agree to those prompts that would normally be displayed (for example, our terms & conditions) and/or that you are aware of the issues that would normally be mentioned. If in doubt, you should manually install a test instance first and satisfy yourself there are no contentious issues.



Other Parameters

/language="language_code" : You can specify which language the program should use when run. This is a two-character language and is the same as shown in burger menu burger -> Language. For example, to use French: SyncBackSE_Setup.exe /language="FR"

/SN="serial_number" : The serial number to use. For example: SyncBackPro_Setup.exe /SN="serial number"

/UAO="offline UA serial_number" : If you have Upgrade Assurance, this is the offline Upgrade Assurance serial number, e.g. SyncBackPro_Setup.exe /SN="serial number" /UAO="offline UA serial"

/SettingsFolder="folder" : This can be used to specify the folder to use to get settings and profiles settings from, e.g. /SettingsFolder="C:\My Folder\"

/Counter="value" : Set to 5 to not be prompted about visiting the introduction web page, e.g. /Counter="5"

/UpdCheckDays="days" : The number of days between automatic update checks. Use 0 to disable update checks. The default value is 30. The /UpdCheckDays parameter is only used for new installations. So if SyncBackPro is already installed then this value is ignored and it will continue to use the existing setting.

/StopBg="value" : By default, background backups are not started. To enable background backups pass "N", e.g. /StopBg="N"

/NoBackupPrompt="value" : You can also switch off the prompting about the backup folder when upgrading from one major version to another, e.g. /NoBackupPrompt="Y"

/CloseApplications : Instructs the installer to close applications using files that need to be updated (if possible).

/ForceCloseApplications : Instructs the installer to forcibly close applications using files that need to be updated (if possible).

/currentuser : This is only valid with the non-elevated installers (the install filename ends with _NE). Instructs the installer to install the software for the current user only. It can be used be standard Windows users and does not required you to be a Windows administrator.

/allusers : This is only valid with the non-elevated installers (the install filename ends with _NE). Instructs the installer to install the software for all users. You must be a Windows administrator. If not, use /currentuser instead.

/SUPPRESSMSGBOXES : Instructs the installer to suppress message boxes. It only has an effect when combined with /SILENT or /VERYSILENT. If you are using a non-elevated installer (the install filename ends with _NE), and this is the first time you are installing SyncBackPro, then it will default to /currentuser unless you specify /allusers. If SyncBackPro is already installed, then it will use the previous setting, i.e. if it is already installed for all users then it will install for all users.

For example, for a silent install of SyncBackPro 64-bit, to use French, pass a serial number, switch off update checks, not be prompted about a backup folder for old profiles, not be prompted about visiting the introduction page and not to be prompted about Runtime Intelligence when the program is run:

SyncBackPro64_Setup.exe /verysilent /language="FR" /SN="serial number" /UpdCheckDays="0" /NoBackupPrompt="Y" /Counter="5"


SBMS Parameters

For the SyncBackPro installation there are a number of optional installation command line parameters related to the SBM Service (if used):

/SBMS_Hostname="hostname" : This is the hostname, IP address, or URL of the SyncBack Management Service (SBM Service). If you are using a HTTP connection type then this is the complete URL include the port number. For example: /SBMS_Hostname="". If you are using a TCP or Named Pipe connection type then this is the hostname or IP address. For example: /SBMS_Hostname="".

/SBMS_Port="port number" : This is the port number of the SBM Service. It is only used when the connection type is TCP, and the default port number is 8095. For example: /SBMS_Port="8095"

/SBMS_Username="username" : This is the login username for the SBM Service. Typically each user has their own login username for the SBM Service.

/SBMS_Password="password" : This is the login password  for the SBM Service.



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