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•Only send the email if an error occurs: If you only want the log file to be emailed if the profile failed then tick this check box, otherwise the log file will be emailed after every run. The email subject will be prefixed with [Failed] if the profile run failed.
o…or there are differences: If you only want the log file to be emailed if the profile run failed, or differences were found between the source and destination, tick this check box.
o…or there are no differences: If you only want the log file to be emailed if the no differences were found between the source and destination, tick this check box.
•Do not send the email if it is a simulated run: In most cases you probably don't want to have the log emailed if it is a simulated run. If so, enable this option.
•Do not send the email if it is a manual run: In most cases you probably don't want to have the log emailed if the profile has been run manually, i.e. not automated from a schedule or other trigger. If so, enable this option.
•Do not attach the log file, just send the email body: If you only want the email body, and not the log files attached, then tick this option.
•Only attach the log file if an error occurs: Tick this option if you only want the log file attached to the email if the profile run fails.
•Compress the attached log file and give the attachment a filename of …: This option is enabled by default. When enabled the log file will be compressed into a single zip file and attached to the email. Some email programs, or corporate environments, will not allow attachments of certain types. If this is the case try changing the filename to log.txt, for example. You can use variables in the filename, e.g. %PROFILENAME%.zip.
oEncryption method: If you only want the log file to be encrypted then choose the type of encryption you wish to use. Note that you can only encrypt the log if it is also compressed. The receiver may need compression software to decrypt the log file.
oPassword: The password to encrypt (and decrypt) the log file. You can use a secret for the password.
oUse high compression: If enabled then LZMA compression is used which has a higher compression ratio than standard (Deflate) compression. Typically, with large log files, it may have a 30% better compression ratio. However, it may take much longer to compress and use more memory. Also, you may need to use 3rd party Zip software to open the resulting Zip file.
Email Server Connection Details
•Connection Encryption: If your email server requires an SSL/TLS encrypted connection, or it supports one and you want your email to be transmitted to the server in encrypted form, then select the appropriate option. Some email servers, e.g. GMail, require an encrypted connection. If your SMTP server supports a direct encrypted connection then select Direct SSL/TLS connection option. The Use STARTTLS command is different from the direct setting in that it connects to the SMTP server then requests that the connection be encrypted by sending a special command to the email server. Choose this option if your SMTP server does not support a direct encrypted connection. If you are using Microsoft Exchange then select None for an unencrypted connection or any of the other values for an encrypted connection.
•Port: The port number of your SMTP email server. It is recommended you leave it as zero (then SyncBackPro will use the default port number based on your settings). If you are using Microsoft Exchange then this value is not required.
•Local computer name: Leave this as the default unless you are familiar with the HELO SMTP command. SyncBackPro tells the SMTP server that this is the name of the computer (the hostname). Some SMTP servers are configured to reject attempts to use them from computers that identify themselves incorrectly or via an I.P. address. SyncBackPro attempts to detect and correct this by not identifying itself. To tell SyncBackPro to not identify itself set this value to * (a single asterisk). To tell SyncBackPro to send the local computers name (instead of I.P. address) set this value to + (a single plus sign).
•Reply To: The email address any replies should be sent to. Variables can be used. You can leave this blank.
•CC: Carbon-copies of the email can be sent to other email addresses. Variables can be used. You can enter multiple email addresses by separating them with semi-colons or commas, e.g. [email protected]; [email protected]
•BCC: Blind-carbon-copies of the email can be sent to other email addresses. Variables can be used. You can enter multiple email addresses by separating them with semi-colons or commas.
•Receipt: If you require a delivery receipt to be sent then enter the email address of the person to receive that receipt. Note that a receipt is only sent if the email client or email server supports this feature. Variables can be used.
Email Encoding
•Header encoding: It is recommended that you do not change this setting. This setting defines the encoding format used for the email header.
•Transfer encoding: It is recommended that you do not change this setting. This setting defines the encoding format used for the email body.
•Character set: It is recommended that you do not change this setting. This setting defines the emails character set. If you are having problems reading your email in some email clients, or you have set the filename of the log file to something that is not English, then you may resolve the issue by changing the character set to Universal Alphabet (UTF-8) or another appropriate value.
•I want to customize the email body: If ticked then you are able to create a custom email body instead of using the default. The email body can use Windows environment variables, e.g. %HOMEPATH%, as well as all the SyncBack Variables and some variables that are used especially in the subject and email body. Note that the email body is not stored as part of the shared settings or as a profile default. You can use either a plain text body and/or a HTML body. Keep in mind that the readers email client will need to be able to display HTML email. Because of this you may want to have both a text body and HTML body so that email clients that do not understand HTML emails will display the text body instead.
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