Welcome to the latest news from 2BrightSparks. In this issue we focus on how
our products can assist writers, show you how you can optimize your task
bar with TrayOnClick, and feature a message from our Creative Director
Mike de Sousa.
If you have any suggestions on what you might like to see in future issues
of this newsletter, drop
us a line with your suggestions.

this issue...
• Specialist
Groups - Writers

• Get
Organized with TrayOnClick

• Staff

• Tip
of the Month

• Articles
at 2BrightSparks

• Lucky
Draw Winners

Specialist Groups - Writers
Researching ideas for
a book, an article, or a report takes a significant amount of time
and effort. Not something that any writer would want to re-do in
the event that the information gathered goes missing, either through
loss of data or simply due to being misplaced. Good news for you
writers! There are programs that will make your life easier and help
you get organized. Lets take a look at some scenarios of how software
can assist you.
Let's say you had previously collected a great deal of information
for an article written a while ago and that you have now decided
to write another article based on the same topic. The last thing
you want to do is to spend time researching the same information,
but you cannot remember where you previously saved it. In this situation,
you will need software to search your computer or external drives
based on the content of the data files. FindOnClick by 2BrightSparks
is part of the OnClick
Utilities suite and the program enables the
user to search for files based on date, path (e. g. C:\), file extension
(e. g. .doc or .txt) and also by the content of the file, which proves
invaluable for most writers. In this way, you will be able to locate
files by simply remembering keywords. Find
out more about FincOnClick.
Now that we have covered how to easily locate that particular forgotten
file, what about losing files due to mishaps like hard disk malfunctions,
viruses, or even theft? Imagine you've written 7 out of 10 chapters
of your book and your laptop is stolen. You were not prepared for
this and you start to panic as that is the only place you have your
chapters stored. At the back of your mind you have always told yourself
you needed to have a backup plan. Unfortunately you have always postponed
coming up with one with the thought that you are one of the lucky
computer users who will never experience such bad luck, but now your
lucky stars have run out. All your book chapters and other data files
are lost forever and there is nothing you can do to retrieve them.
This is a nightmare scenario for all writers and it can very easily
be prevented with a backup plan.
The most convenient way is to use software to backup all your data
files to external media (e. g. external hard drive, USB Key) that
you keep in a separate location to your computer. SyncBackSE is a
competitively priced backup and synchronization software solution
that is fit for both the novice and expert computer user. With SyncBackSE,
you will be able to schedule backups and it will also allow you to
synchronize 2 computers. For example, you may work on your laptop
while you travel but still have the same copies on your desktop at
home or at the office. You can do exactly that with SyncBackSE: effectively
2 programs in 1 for the price of just US$30.00!

Get Organized with TrayOnClick
Are you one who has the habit of having multiple
programs or documents opened at the same time? Perhaps there are times when so
many windows are opened that your task bar is cluttered and difficult to use.
Well good news, the world of the multi-tasker is eased with the help of TrayOnClick.
TrayOnClick is a nifty piece of software that allows you to keep your task bar
organized. It gives you the option to hide all windows to the TrayOnClick icon
on the task bar, therefore freeing up a lot of space on the task bar itself.
You can then access the window you require by right-clicking on the TrayOnClick
icon and selecting just that window. You are also given the option to restore
all windows with a single click, or minimize all windows to the right side of
the task bar so only the icon of the window is shown.
Give TrayOnClick a test drive by downloading the fully functional 30 day trial
and you'll see how simple but highly useful TrayOnClick is. You'll love it!
Note that the latest release of
TrayOnClick, part of the OnClick Utilities
suite, is a beta-version.

Hi, I'm Mike
de Sousa and as the Creative Director of 2BrightSparks part of
my challenge is to write copy for our web site, documentation,
and help files. With the help of my colleagues my aim is to write
in an accessible and informative manner.
Graphic images help users identify functions in a program and
directions on a web site. They provide visual shortcuts that
can help significantly with how easily a site or program is to
use, and they provide relief to the eye from endless blocks of
text. Audio can also assist users in presentational or instructional
contexts, however in publishing a web site or presenting program
functions, the written word continues to be the most effective
means of communication.
A web site needs to convey information about its purpose quickly
as visitors often scan a web page without staying long. At 2BrightSparks
that means informing the visitor that we produce utility software,
and describing the benefits and functions of the software succinctly.
We also try to provide clear paths for the user if they wish
to find more information about our software. Writing the text
copy for a web site is inevitably a compromise, and the redrafting
process is continuous. Think of web sites as works in progress.
In the case of 2BrightSparks what might be perfectly effective
one week might not be appropriate the next as new software updates
are released.
Our target audience is very broad as the software we develop
is valuable to anyone who uses a computer. We try to ensure whether
you are new to computers or a technical guru, you can easily
gather the information you require and make an informed decision
about whether we provide the solution for your needs. I hope
much of the time we get it right, but there are times when we
receive feedback from visitors to the site who make suggestions
to improve a phrase here, or change a paragraph in a help file
there. If you spot a way we can make our site or documentation
better don't hesitate to Contact
Our software and web site is a success, largely as a result of
the invaluable suggestions of visitors and users just like you.

Tip of the Month
Solving the Ever-changing
USB Drive Letter Problem
If you have multiple USB-connected devices, Windows might assign different
drive letters to each device at each startup. Yesterday my backup drive
was “G:” but I added a USB printer and today my backup drive is “H:”
That makes it impractical to just use the drive letter as a backup
Destination. Fortunately, SyncBackSE provides an easy solution - use
the drive’s
LABEL (name) instead of its drive letter.
If your USB drive is labeled "DAILYBACKUP",
for example, you can tell SyncBackSE to look for that drive, regardless
of the assigned drive letter.
Just use one of SyncBackSE’s handy Variables, %LABEL%. Your profile
will now look like %LABEL=DAILYBACKUP%... regardless of which drive
letter is assigned. Problem solved!
There are lots of Variables that SyncBackSE lets you use. Start by
accessing the Help menu, and search on “Variables” to see the possibilities.
Oh, you say that your drive doesn’t have a label? No problem. In Windows
Explorer, right-click on the drive you want to name, and then select
the Properties item. In the pop-up window at the top you will see a
box where you can enter a name of your choosing (subject to Windows’
rules, or course).

Articles at 2BrightSparks
We have a collection
of articles that we hope will be of use to you.
you would like to see articles of a particular topic, please do let us know.
Otherwise, check back in the near future to check out new articles.

Draw Winners
Every month, ten lucky winners
who complete the SyncBackSE survey form receive a free license for OnClick
Utilities. The link to the survey is contained in the order confirmation
email for SyncBackSE. We will even allow you to transfer your license
to friends or family if you've already got a license.
To date, 260 lucky people have already received free software from us just by
simply completing the survey, so what are you waiting for?

Next Time
Thanks for reading and we look
forward to getting in touch again in a months time.
The 2BrightSparks Team.
2BrightSparks Pte Ltd.
Power with Ease - Indispensable Utility Software
All Content: 2BrightSparks © 2003-2010