Regular Expressions

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Regular Expressions


function RegExFilename(RegEx, Filename);


RegEx: The regular expression to use.

Filename: The filename to compare with the regular expression.


Return value: TRUE if the filename matches the regular expression.



function RegExContents(RegEx, Filename, [DeepSearch], [CaseSensitive]);


RegEx: The regular expression to use.

Filename: The filename of the file to scan and compare the contents of with the regular expression.

DeepSearch: Optional (default is FALSE). If TRUE then do a deep search.

CaseSensitive: Optional (default is FALSE). If TRUE then do a case sensitive search.


Return value: TRUE if the files contents matches the regular expression.



function MatchesPattern(Pattern, Filename);


Pattern: A search pattern to compare the filename to.

Filename: The filename to check.


Return value: TRUE if the filename matches the pattern. A pattern can use *, ? and sets ([]).